Zamí – když už nevíte kam jít na netu

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Český internet se může zdát malý a málokdy něčím zajímavý že? Opak je pravdou. Problém je v tom, že existuje pouze hrstka nástrojů, které za vás kvalitní webové stránky a jiný obsah najdou. Ano, tím chci říct, že Seznam není ani zdaleka tak kvalitní výhledávač jak by mohl a měl být.

Jednoduše řečeno, když už nevíte kam jít na netu, nastala chvilka pro Zamí což je webová aplikace, která sbírá oblibéné webové stránky od svých uživatelů a následně je náhodně zobrazuje dalším uživatelům, kteří touží po objevení něčeho nového z českého internetu. Čím více uživatelé něco sdílí, tím je to očividně kvalitnější a tím pravděpodobněji to objevíte i vy pomocí Zamíchej.

Jakožto webmaster, Zamíchej vám také může přinést dlouhodobý nárůst návštěvnosti, za předpokladu, že máte kvalitní a zajímavý obsah. Zamíchej tedy zjednodušuje dvě věci. Objevování kvalitních stránek, obrázků a videí na českém internetu a možnost jak svůj zajímavý obsah zviditelnit na internetu.

Více informací naleznete na Zamíchej/blogu

Facebook Could Destroy Current Advertising Models


We are all very familiar with advertising in today’s society. Facebook is one of the biggest organization facing the dilemma of introducing advertising. This social network is consist of a number of people and their content whether it is private content, personal content or public content.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, has been quoted as saying regarding ads:

“Advertising works most effectively when it’s in line with what people are already trying to do. And people are trying to communicate in a certain way on Facebook – they share information with their friends, they learn about what their friends are doing – so there’s really a whole new opportunity for a new type of advertising model within that.”

Do you think that is a “new” advertising the future or is it more of the same? Anyone who remember those flashing animated banner ads on websites in the early 2000′s? They were annoying and people hate to click on them. If some got a few clicks that is only because advertisers became sneaky enough to turn them into “games” and interactive modules using Flash. However, they are still a failure.

As learnt from Myspace, ads are not good for the user’s experience. Facebook can offer a turn off button to the ads. It is something that has worked for services such as Amazon’s KindlePandora and Spotify. Because they are different and has an entertaining content. There is a very small place for unwanted content on mobile devices.

What is the best for users

Users should be able to do what they do best on Facebook, which is update their status messages, share photos and video, and add new friends. They should be able to play games, talk to their parents, have a video chat and find old high school mates, without interference. All of the ads along the right-hand side of the News Feed, and every other page on Facebook just about, are distracting. Users are being distracted from what Facebook makes its money off of, our information.

The more a user is interrupted when interacting, the less they will use a product, even if it is just by a tiny bit. It is obvious and it is something that Facebook is knows well. Nowadays most of users are addicted to the social networking site they are signed up to, and there are plenty of people to fill gaps when one or two fall off. Over a billion users is an enormous number.

It is clear and it is something that marketers should fear. The worse these ads are, the less targeted they become, the more furious users will be, thus not caring about your brand. For example when I see a BMW Z4 commercial on TV, I will remember that I saw that ad on Facebook first. And I did that ad help them sell a BMW Z4 car to me? Obviously not.

How should advertisers connect

Advertisers should start thinking about new ways to engage people, the way it used to be on Facebook, before its advertising platform was pushed. Facebook could very easily turn on an ad-free model, allowing its users to pay a nominal fee, maybe $10 a month, to move about the site uninhibited –without ads.

This would be awful for the advertisers that have their “campaigns” on cruise control, looking at stupid metrics like clicks and how many people viewed or commented on a status update. While they let “social media gurus” initiate the users that can bring them massive revenue, those who use Facebook the right way to engage with customers and potential customers would benefit from an “ad-free” Facebook. Seeing advertising should be optional, and great advertising does not feel like advertising.

How much money could Facebook make if they were to offer an ad-free option? 

If 100 million of its users paid $10 a month for 12 months, Facebook would make $12 billion. How good would that be for Facebook? They reported $1.26 billion in revenue last quarter.  These numbers are based solely on 100 million users. Ten dollars a month is not a lot for something that we use daily. You could even give a yearly subscription as a Facebook Gift. This would not all be straight profit though, as they would have to do a full opportunity cost analysis based on what they are making in ad revenue, plus actually refactor an ad-free version of the site.

If Facebook turned this option on, the marketers and brands that are relying on self-serve ads to survive would stumble and fall quickly. Advertising as we know it, especially in the social stage of the Internet, would be turned on its ear. And Facebook would still make billions. Of course, people are already trying similar things but they don’t have the userbase and potential that Facebook has.

Would you pay for an ad-free Facebook? In 2008, some people thought that it would never happen. Maybe most people do not mind ads, but once they are shown more and more in our News Feed, will that change? Since Facebook is concentrated on mobile now, it just might.

Sources: John Battelle’s Search Blog, TechCrunch

Facebook introducing Poke for Mobile

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Before Christmas Facebook introduced Poke, an iPhone app that makes it fun and easy to say hello to friends wherever you are. The poke feature has been a part of Facebook since 2004. Now Facebook is ready to share a new poke experience for mobile.

With the Poke app, you can poke or send a message, photo, or video to Facebook friends to share what you’re up to in a lightweight way. You can poke an individual friend or several at once. Each message expires after a specific time you’ve set, either 1, 3, 5 or 10 seconds. When time runs out, the message disappears from the app.

PokeTo see a message from a friend, press and hold the message until it expires. If you ever see something you’re uncomfortable with, you can click the gear menu and report it.
Poke is now available in App Store.

Sources: Facebook, SocialMedia Examiner

Google extends free phone calls via Gmail through 2013

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Google announced on Monday on their Official Gmail Blog that its free Gmail voice calling service will be extended through 2013 in the U.S. and Canada.

At the end of 2011 and 2010, the company announced that it would continue offering free voice calling via the Gmail chat widget, and it looks like that function is here to stay yet again.

Google introduced voice calling through Gmail back in 2008, but said that this feature would only be free for its first year. Since then, it has extended this offer year after year. As Google’s voice calling ability enters its fifth year, the service remains free. This announcement comes just after the company decided to cut some free services earlier this month.


While Google continues to keep its domestic calling service free of charge in the United States and Canada, the company has a little update to the feature that provides the base for this service which is Google Voice. There are some new changes such as the addition contacts integration with Google+ and the launch of an updated Android app. However, Google Voice remained untouched in 2012.

Google product manager Mayur Kamat did not give details concerning why the company is extending the service in his post on the company’s blog. It is still not clear why Google is keeping free Gmail voice calls separate from its Google Voice service bit either way, free is free and we are not complaining.

Source: Gizmo Craze, Mashable, TechCrunch 

Instagram facing Class Action Lawsuit because of Change Of Service Terms


Instagram just got sued: a class action lawsuit, which was the result of its change of service terms last week. Reuters reports that a California Instagram user has leveled breach of contract and other claims against Instagram owner Facebook. In response, Facebook told Reuters “we believe this complaint is without merit and we will fight it vigorously.”


Changes in Instagram’s policy privacy create worries for the users as they think their photos would be sold or used in ads without their permission or compensation. In response, Instagram founder Kevin Systrom changed the language in the policy that had caused the furor which, at its peak, led to plenty of confusion among users. Last week, Drew Olanoff and Josh Constine discussed the misunderstandings caused by Instagram and Facebook’s privacy policy and terms of service changes.

Instagram did keep language in its policy, however, that gives it the ability to place ads related to user content. The lawsuit filed by San Diego-based law firm Finkelstein & Krinsk alleges that even if users delete their Instagram account, they forfeit rights to photos they have already uploaded. “

In short, Instagram declares that ‘possession is nine-tenths of the law and if you don’t like it, you can’t stop us,’” the lawsuit says.

Source: Mashable, TechCrunch

Psy Gangnam Style hits 1 billion views

On the day Mayans predicted the world to end (21 December 2012), Psy’s Korean dance hit “Gangnam Style” surpassed 1 billion YouTube views, winning over Justin Bieber and everyone else to the milestone.

While Justin Bieber has long been announced the King of YouTube, this created a different story.

Psy’s “Gangnam Style” hit against Justin Bieber’s “Baby” which came out in early 2010 and is YouTube’s second most-viewed video.

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See the infographic below to view the stats.


Source:  YouTube, Mashable 

Google’s Santa Tracker versus NORAD

santa-trackerGoogle and Norad are the only two tech companies who are competing to track Santa.

Last week NORAD, which has tracked Santa since 1955, announced its new Internet Santa service. While it still tracks Santa and his reindeer on Christmas, it replaced Google Maps with Microsoft’s Bing Maps.

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However, Google is not giving up. Using its Google Earth and Google Maps products, it is tracking Santa on its own this year with a new method. That means you have two Santa tracker options to pick from starting Christmas Eve.

Since 2004 Google has been tracking Santa with Google Earth, this year Google Maps engineers created a new way to chart Santa’s journey around the world on Christmas Eve.

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The new Santa Tracker does not only live on the web at There is now a new Chrome extension and Android app to let you follow Santa. In contrary, NORAD’s apps that are created in cooperation with Microsoft, are available for the iPhone and Android and Windows Phone 8 smartphones.

However, Google has more to offer on the entertainment front than NORAD. It is built out an entire Santa site where you can provide information about your a friend or family member and have Santa give them a call or send them an audio message via email.  It also provides a few games. The Santa Racer game lets you navigate Santa’s sleigh through a track and collect presents and the Present Drop game lets you drop presents into moving chimneys.

Google and NORAD will begin actually tracking Santa on Christmas Eve.

Source: Santa, NORAD, Google

Social Jeans automatically update Facebook and Twitter

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If you are Facebook and Twitter obsessed, these jeans would be perfect for you. 

Italian denim brand Replay Jeans will release their jeans that feature a vinyl pocket equipped with a small bluetooth device. This communicates with the wearer’s smartphone via a dedicated app to easily and immediately share updates with their social networks.

These “Social Denim” allows you to quickly click the device to let people know your current location or mood. Your “happiness level” features eight different moods to choose from, ranging from positive to negative. These jeans will be available in blue and black fabric, in regular-slim or skinny fit for men and skinny or baby boot cut for women.

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Replay Social Jeans will be available in Replay stores and European retailers as well as the Replay online store in December. According to Mashable, the prices of these jeans will range from $196 to $260.

Would you wear these Social Denim? What is your opinion on this creativity?

(Source: Replay, Fashion Uncut)

Ownshelf allows readers to share their ebooks

ownshelf-2Ownshelf is very new company that recently released the beta version of its software. The company is allowing users to upload their own eBooks to share with friends and safely store in the cloud.

It is easy and free. Here is a list of what readers can do on Ownshelf:

  • Show your bookshelf to friends
  • Browse friends’ shelves
  • Borrow and loan ebooks
  • Access your shelf anywhere

Rick Marazzani, the one who built Ownshelf, believes that all the readers should be able to share and discover e-books through their friends’ personal libraries just like they do with print books.

Ownshelf, a free web service, which was launched in beta. This software provides readers with a cloud storage platform to share e-books with friends and family.  It is similar to Dropbox, however, it is easier, simpler, and importantly made for e-book included a built in social element to encourage discovery.  Users  can access Ownshelf by login into the service through Facebook.  Afterwards, users are able to upload e-book files to create a digital bookshelf or borrow e-books from their contacts’ bookshelves.


There are also famous e-books devices such as Nook and Kindle  that enable to choose to lend out books for a limited period of time. However, Ownshelf goes a step further by providing their readers a central hub to swap and discover books on their own terms. The risk for the startup, however, is that Ownshelf will turn into an illegal peer-to-peer downloading service for copyrighted e-books.

For that reason, Ownshelf’s terms of use specifically state that users should not share books they don’t own.  Users should only share e-books that are in the public domain. They will have to sign up with their real names and can only share books with their real friends through Facebook.


Source: Twitter OwnshelfGood eReader

You will not be able to vote on Privacy changes on Facebook from today


Why is this happening?

Last week, Facebook invited all users to vote on proposed changes to the company’s Data Use Policy and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, something it first did in 2009 in response to privacy complaints. If the newly proposed changes are accepted, Facebook will no longer ask users to vote on policy changes, making this week’s vote the last.

Facebook users who voted overwhelmingly chose to keep the existing policies in place. However, the percentage of overall Facebook users who voted wasn’t high enough to make the results of the vote “binding” — that would have required 30% of the Facebook user-base  or roughly 300 million users, to vote. Instead, only about 600,000 users voted, making the results only “advisory.”


What will the changes mean for the Facebook user? 

  • Facebook will now collect user feedback via detailed suggestions instead of public voting
  • Facebook will be able to more easily share data with affiliate companies such as Instagram
  • Facebook will introduce new “filters” for managing messages
  • Facebook will specify that advertisers can show political or religious content
  • It will be easier for people to find your profile through search

Facebook says that direct voting has become an unwieldy way for the company to make policy decisions, but promises it will still “incorporate your suggestions into creating new tools that enhance communication on Facebook about privacy and governance.”

Internet privacy experts will likely be up in arms about Facebook casting off direct democracy for its users. However, it’s tough to fault the election process itself — Facebook ensured details about the vote were seen in users’ News Feeds and email inboxes, though some say it could have done more to advertise the vote. It also allowed users to share their vote with friends, which in real-world elections can boost voter turnout. The company was transparent about its proposed changes, offering easily downloadable comparisons between old and new.

Why was the participation rate so low?

Could it have been because of the lack of users’  interest in their privacy? A fake and legally open to discussion status message, which many users believed would protect their data if posted on their account, recently went viral. The message can also be found posted thousands of times in the comments section of Facebook’s official posts about the policy change vote.

How about you? Did you participate in Facebook’s vote?

Source: BostinoMashable